Atom - Editor

Although, the Atom editor is not actively maintained anymore, it is still a great editor for writing Markdown documents. Especially if your are dealing with very large documents, the Atom editor outperforms other editors like VS-Code. We still use the Atom editor for our documentation:


To install the Atom editor together with the LiaScript-Preview plugin, follow the instructions in the following blog post:

Install Atom with LiaScript (Deprecated)

This blog entry presents a little workaround and shows how you can still use our two plugins to develop your LiaScript courses offline with the Atom editor.

To set up the Atom editor for a better writing experience, follow the instructions in the following blog post:

Setting up Atom (Deprecated)

This post will help you to set up your Atom with the appropriate plugins to speed up your development process.


  • Autoreload on save
  • Toggle Preview
  • History navigation
  • Resizing
  • Syncing in both directions via double-clicking
  • Separate Dev-Tools
  • Experimental jit-compiler

Keyboard - Shortcuts

Alt + LToggle preview
F5Reload preview
Ctrl + SSave Markdown and update preview
Alt + LeftGo back in the browser history
Alt + RightGo forward in the browser history
Ctrl + +Zoom-in with 10% steps
Ctrl + -Zoom-out with 10% steps
Ctrl + 0Reset zoom to original (100%)
Ctrl + RReset all stored settings, codes, quizzes, etc.
Ctrl + NOpen LiaScript in browser window
Ctrl + L + IOpen Dev Tools for LiaScript-webview

It is recommended to install also:


A collection of short-codes for mor efficient course generation.