André Dietrich
Originally a robotics and embedded software developer now working as a researcher at the Technical University Bergakademie in Freiberg. The current research interests are language design, new web technologies and online education with focus on open educational resources.
Open Educational Resources: Gekommen, um zu bleiben?
Am 11. November 2024 fand in der Sächsischen Landesbibliothek – Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Dresden (SLUB) eine Veranstaltung zum Thema “Open Educational Resources: Gekommen, um zu bleiben?” statt. Im Mittelpunkt stand die Frage, wie offene Bildungsressourcen (OER) die Bildungslandschaft nachhaltig verändern können. Sebastian Zug nahm ebenfalls an der Veranstaltung teil und wurde als Experte in die Diskussionsrunde eingeladen. Er betonte, dass offene Bildungsressourcen nicht nur den Zugang zu Wissen erleichtern, sondern auch die Qualität der Lehre durch kollaborative Ansätze und kontinuierliche Aktualisierungen verbessern können.
Read MoreWhy Open Education Needs a Common Language!?
A better question would be: Why do commercial offerings and e-learning platforms dominate online education and “NOT” Open Educational Resources (OER)? Before we attempt to answer these questions, we want everyone to complete the following sentence for themselves: Open Educational Resources (OER) are primarily about … … the use of content. … their creation. It is no wonder that many initially think of licenses and terms of use. Creation (2.) seems boring and time-consuming.
Read MoreCreating interactive Diagrams with eCharts
LiaScript uses the powerful eCharts library to create interactive diagrams, whether you’re visualizing ASCII art or presenting data from tables. In our previous blog post, we introduced the <lia-chart> tag—a custom web component that uses eCharts under the hood to easily generate custom diagrams. Creating interactive Diagrams with ChatGPT Exploring AI-generated content opens the door to fascinating possibilities. In this article, we delve into how you can leverage AI models, like ChatGPT, to create interactive diagrams that can be customized on the fly.
Read MoreTeach Your AI to Generate LiaScript Previews
Claude.ai offers a powerful feature in its paid version that allows you to preview generated code directly. However, with a simple prompt, you can teach any AI to create LiaScript previews on demand—even if you’re using a free version. What Are Data-URIs? In a previous post, we briefly covered how you can use data-URIs to encode LiaScript content. Where is Content Stored? Did you know that LiaScript tries to be agnostic as possible, when it comes to hosting?
Read MoreCreating interactive Diagrams with ChatGPT
Exploring AI-generated content opens the door to fascinating possibilities. In this article, we delve into how you can leverage AI models, like ChatGPT, to create interactive diagrams that can be customized on the fly. Prompt with Variables and Examples While ChatGPT might not be capable of independently generating complex scripts, it excels at modifying existing code snippets to meet your needs. Take, for example, a script from the LiaScript documentation, specifically from the section on Custom Diagrams with ECharts.
Read MoreChanging Layout - FlexBox is your Friend
In this article, we will show you how to change the layout of certain parts of your LiaScript course easily with FlexBox. FlexBox is a powerful layout tool that allows you to create complex layouts with minimal code. It is supported by all modern browsers and is easy to use. What is FlexBox? FlexBox, or the Flexible Box Layout Module, is a CSS layout model that provides a more efficient way to design complex layouts without relying heavily on float or positioning.
Read MoreCollaborative drawings made with LiaScript
In this article we will explore how to create a collaborative drawing canvas (in other words a whiteboard) using LiaScript’s internal publish -subscribe mechanisms. This feature will allows multiple users to interact with the same LiaScript course in real-time, enabling collaborative drawing and marking, as demonstrated in the following video. 1. Publish-Subscribe (How does it work?) The publish-subscribe (pub-sub) pattern is a messaging paradigm where messages are sent by publishers to specific topics without the publisher knowing who, if anyone, will receive the message.
Read MoreMultimedia Comments in LiaScript - This Changes Everything
How can you add your voice or short video sequences to your LiaScript courses? With the new multimedia comments feature, it’s now possible. This feature allows you to replay your voice or video directly in the browser as part of a LiaScript course. It’s a game changer for educators looking to create interactive and engaging courses. How Does It Look? It’s quite straightforward. Simply add a multimedia link using LiaScript syntax to the beginning or end of your comment.
Read MoreOpen Textbook Repositories
This alphabetically sorted overview is fare from being complete, but it should give you a good starting point to find open textbooks for your courses. If you want to collaborate with us in order to translate such books into LiaScript, have a look at the following blog-post. What Do Poland and Arnold Schwarzenegger Have in Common? … for translating open textbooks into interactive LiaScript books. But, based on our discussions at the eLearning Africa Conference we realized that there is a need for open textbooks for various purposes.
Read MoreSharing Content via WebTorrent
This demo from the eLearning-Africa Conference 2024, shows how to use WebTorrent to share educational content with LiaScript. Everything that you need is a modern browser, no additional software, no login or authentication is required. But what is WebTorrent and how can it be used in an educational context? This article provides an overview of WebTorrent, its benefits, and practical applications for educators. Understanding WebTorrent: A Guide for Educators In today’s digital age, sharing and accessing educational content efficiently is crucial for educators and students alike.
Read MoreWhat Do Poland and Arnold Schwarzenegger Have in Common?
… for translating open textbooks into interactive LiaScript books. But, based on our discussions at the eLearning Africa Conference we realized that there is a need for open textbooks for various purposes. With the LiaBooks project we would like to translate such open textbooks from around the world into LiaScript. This way, we hope to make digital textbooks more accessible, reusable and adaptable for everyone. If you are interested in this project, please feel free to contact us and help us to translate such books into a more interactive format.
Read MoreeLearning Africa 2024
In June 2024, the eLearning Africa Conference took place in Kigali, Rwanda. The conference brought together experts, practitioners, and policymakers from across Africa and beyond to discuss the latest trends and innovations in technology-enhanced learning. First of all, a big thank you to all participants for the interesting insights and discussions… We had the opportunity to conduct a full-day workshop on “Creating Sustainable and Extendable Open Educational Resources (OER) as Interactive Online Classrooms”.
Read MoreOpen Source Community Projects on GitHub versus Traditional Publishing Models for OER
In this post, I will aim to make a case for Git and GitHub by comparing how “traditional” publishing models (for OER) can be improved through dynamic, flexible, and transparent open-source community projects. So, what can OER learn from open source and how can it be applied? GitHub promotes collaborative development and the global exchange of educational materials, supported by powerful tools like Git. The platform enables broad quality control through open review processes and facilitates the organization and management of educational projects through specific organizations.
Read MoreLiaScript - WorldMap
This idea was motivated by the OER-World Map in order to to visualize the distribution of educational content that was created with LiaScript or events and meetings. Our map is based on the OpenStreetMap and uses the Leaflet library to display the markers. Blue is associated to projects, while future events are displayed in green and past events in transparent gray. visit the world-map All information about the projects is stored within a static YAML-file:
Read MoreOffene Bildungsmaterialien an Hochschulen verankern
Die Förderung von Open Educational Resources (OER) an Hochschulen gewinnt durch die Entwicklung und Implementierung spezifischer OER-Policies an Struktur und Sichtbarkeit. Hierfür wurde ein OER Policy Kit mithilfe von LiaScript entwickelt und veröffentlicht. Dieser Handlungsleitfaden bietet neben einer allgemeinen Orientierung auch konkrete Tipps, Beispiele und hilfreiche Ansätze. Interessierte können das OER Policy Kit direkt online einsehen und sich tiefergehend mit den Materialien auseinandersetzen. Link zum OER Policy Kit Oder über das offene Git-Repository einsehen, nachnutzen und mitentwickeln:
Read MoreData and Analytics for Research Training (DART)
The DART program offers free, open-source educational resources aimed at empowering working biomedical researchers with data science skills to enhance their work. It aligns with the National Institutes of Health’s focus on boosting research reproducibility, transparency, and rigor through instructional modules that teach data science and related abilities. The program adopts a modular educational strategy, allowing learners to tailor their training by choosing from various modules to create a personalized learning pathway.
Read MorePodcast: Data Management Training at the University of Vienna
This podcast delves into the University of Vienna’s innovative data management training program, developed by a diverse team of data stewards for a wide audience including PhD students and technical staff. It emphasizes the importance of general data management skills and specialized knowledge for specific infrastructures, alongside their methodical evaluation of the program’s impact. The project aims to support researchers with data management and promote FAIR data practices, driven by their personal interests ranging from web preservation to facilitating custom solutions for scientific inquiries.
Read MoreLiaScript 0.14 - Full Documentation (English)
This is a screencast of the LiaScript documentation in presentation mode spoken by LiaScript itself ;-) You can inspect the document by your own, either directly from GitHub or as the interactive LiaScript version. 0. Intro 1. Overview on Tools & More Update: You can now also use VS-Code as your editor, there are now two additional extensions within the marketplace, one for previews and one for snippets. Check out the following link for more information.
Read MoreLiaScript 0.14 - Partial Documentation (Korean)
This is an automated translation of the LiaScript LiaScript into the Korean language. You can inspect the document by your own, either directly from GitHub or as the interactive LiaScript version. 1. Overview on Tools & More Update: You can now also use VS-Code as your editor, there are now two additional extensions within the marketplace, one for previews and one for snippets. Check out the following link for more information.
Read MoreLiaScript 0.14 - Partial Documentation (Ukrainian)
This is an automated translation of the LiaScript LiaScript into the Ukrainian language. You can inspect the document by your own, either directly from GitHub or as the interactive LiaScript version. 1. Overview on Tools & More Update: You can now also use VS-Code as your editor, there are now two additional extensions within the marketplace, one for previews and one for snippets. Check out the following link for more information.
Read MoreLiaScript 0.14 - Teilweise Dokumentation (German)
Dies ist die Aufnahme von LiaScript im Präsentationsmodus, indem die Dokumentation sich selber vorstellt. Es ist natürlich möglich der Dokumentation auch selber im interaktiven LiaScript-Modus zur folgen, klicken sie hier. Die Quellen finden Sie auch direkt auf GitHub. 0. Intro 1. Kurzeinführung Tools & Co. Update: Es ist jetzt auch möglich VSCode als Editor für LiaScript-Kurse zu nutzen. Dafür haben wir die beiden folgenden Erweiterungen zum VSCode-Marktplatz hinzugefügt (eines für die Vorschau, das andere für Snippets).
Read MoreFreiberg - Research Seminar
In this talk André Dietrich gives a brief overview on the research history around LiaScript and RemoteLabs. Long story short: The interesting part is, that we started out with building RemoteLabs, which lead to the development of LiaScript, and from the things we learned from working on LiaScript we can now build fully decentralized RemoteLabs based on a peer2peer infrastructure, that requires only the browser … You can find the slides here:
Read MoreJavaScript and Image-Filtering
The following short example shows how script tags can be applyed to images in order to create a simple image-filtering effect. In LiaScript, the script tag is a reimagined version of a JavaScript-component that has a lifetime, can be combined with input-tags and has an output as well. Additionally, scripts can be stiched together by an execution graph, which is defined by the output of the script-tags. The script is executed in the browser and can be used to manipulate the image in real-time.
Read MoreImporting a local WebCam-stream into a Presentation
Sometimes you want to show a live video stream from a local WebCam in your presentation, without having to move to another application. This can be done with the following script and video-tag. It will ask for permission to access the camera and will display the video stream in a video element. If you click on the button again, the camera will be closed. Simply copy both tags into your LiaScript document and you will be able to open and close the camera stream with the button.
Read MoreLiascript User Symposium (Recording)
Discover WHO is utilizing and creating free, open online courses using the user-friendly LiaScript Markdown and WHY. Learn about the role of AI in course development, and how Open Educational Resources (OER) can be enhanced through browser-based peer-to-peer technologies. Additionally, explore our latest advancements in collaborative features within LiaScript, as well as Edrys-Lite, which aids in developing and sharing interactive, peer-to-peer RemoteLabs as OER. Soon this functionality will be available in LiaScript too!
Read MoreOffene Bildungsmaterialien auf twillo finden und teilen
Twillo ist ein Portal, das sich auf offene Bildungsmaterialien (OER) spezialisiert hat, insbesondere im Bereich der Hochschullehre. Es ermöglicht Nutzern, Bildungsmaterialien zu finden, zu teilen und bietet zudem verschiedene Dienstleistungen wie Workshops zu OER, eine OER-Planungshilfe, Vorlagen zur Erstellung von OER und ein Rechtsquiz zur Überprüfung des Wissens über rechtskonforme Lehre. Twillo fördert die Verfügbarkeit, Anpassung, und Vernetzung von OER, um offene Lehr- und Lernkulturen sowie lebenslanges Lernen zu unterstützen.
Read MoreServerless Online Education
The presentation at the Open Educa Berlin (OEB) Conference on November 24th 2023 focused on “Serverless Online Education” and emphasized the potential of decentralized, browser-based technologies in educational settings. See the agenda here. The recorded video tutorial elaborated on using LiaScript for creating interactive online courses, covering basics of markdown, progressive web apps, offline access, distributed education methods, classroom creation, and hardware sharing in the browser. You can repeat all the steps by your own by using the following URL as a bootstrap:
Read MoreKonzepte und Erfahrungen bei der Realisierung dezentraler, offener Lehrmaterialien mit LiaScript (German)
Dies ist ein Mitschnitt des Workshops, der auf auf der DELFI-Tagung 2023 in Aachen gegeben wurde. https://delfi-tagung.de/delfi-2023/workshops-tutorials LiaScript implementiert als Markdown-basierte Beschreibungssprache für Lehrinhalte die zentralen Konzepte von Open Educational Ressources. Basierend auf einer textuellen Darstellung, ohne zentrale Infrastruktur, können Lehrmaterialien ähnlich Open-Source-Softwareprojekten in einer Community entwickelt, geteilt und geprüft werden. Das Tutorial gibt einen Überblick über den Stand des Projektes und führt die Teilnehmer:innen in die Basiskonzepte und Nutzungsmuster ein.
Read MoreWhere is Content Stored?
Did you know that LiaScript tries to be agnostic as possible, when it comes to hosting? The thing is, you host your content by your own and only refer to it, via a URL-Parameter that you attach to the LiaScript website. https://LiaScript.github.io/course/?THE_URL_TO_YOUR_COURSE.md Git - Platforms Although, we prefer GitHub & git for versioning, hosting, and publishing, you should be able to use any versioning system or platform to host your course content.
Read MoreTables & Data Visualizations
If Markdown tables are used to store data, why not directly visualizing it? LiaScript offers 10 different types of plots, the best type is automatically chosen, based on the format of a table and its values… but you are free to use your desired one ;-) You can use this this example as a basis for your own course by following this link … Or experiment with it in the LiveEditor below:
Read MoreeLearning Africa 2023
Instant Creation & Publishing of Free and Open Online Courses with LiaScript LiaScript is a language-based approach to free and open education. This workshop will demonstrate how LiaScript can be used to create sustainable and extendable open educational resources (OER) that are interactive, engaging, and even work offline. In contrast to complex user-interfaces and memorising lots of point and click events, participants will work with simple text-files only. LiaScript is based on Markdown, which is founded on ideas around simplicity, adaptability and extendibility.
Read MoreInvitation to eLearning Africa 23
We will have a full-day workshop at the eLearning Africa conference in Dakar on creating free and open interactive courses with LiaScript Markdown … No platform no, no login, just OER and publish immediately (works offline too) https://www.elearning-africa.com/conference2024/programme_workshops_detail.php?ws=FD2 Here is a follow up in french … If you already want to try this out, checkout the online editor:
Read MoreHow can Web 3.0 save Education?
The University Future Festival 2023 was an event hosted by the Hochschulforum Digitalisierung and the Stiftung Innovation in der Hochschullehre. The event was held both in-person and online from April 26 to April 28, 2023. The festival was designed to be “Digital first”, meaning all aspects of the festival could be experienced online, with physical stages in various locations in Germany offering additional networking opportunities festival.hfd.digital. The festival addressed a broad spectrum of topics related to the opportunities and challenges of digital transformation.
Read MoreSharing Content via Tor and OnionShare
Why should something like Tor or the Dark-Net be relevant in education at all? If you look at the world map, it quickly becomes clear that the internet is not as free and open as it might seem from Germany. In this map, we have deliberately omitted China and North Korea to give other countries the chance to turn “red” too. Looking at the current situation in Afghanistan, it becomes evident that the right to education is simply not available in many places.
Read More6 Quizzes in 100 Seconds
This is our report on making quizzes in LiaScript in 100 seconds. Do you know an easier way of creating quizzes with your favorite LMS? Multiple-Choice Single-Choice Matrix Text-Input Selection Gap-Text You can use this this example as a basis for your own course by following this link … Or experiment with it in the LiveEditor below:
Read MoreA Custom Extension for Algebra
Today we show how to build a custom extension for executable code-snippets for LiaScript #Markdown by using the computer algebra systems Algebrite. The same can be done with any other library, framework, API … You can use this this example as a basis for your own course by following this link … Or experiment with it in the LiveEditor below:
Read MoreExecutable Code
How to make your Markdown code-snippets editable and executable? Our solution, just attach a script-tag to it that defines how the input or inputs should be evaluated… You can use this this example as a basis for your own course by following this link … Or experiment with it in the LiveEditor below:
Read MoreLua Programming
This example is a port of the Lua programming course from the open wikibook Lua-Programming to LiaScript. It is a fully working Lua programming course, that can be used as a basis for your own course. Start Course This example uses the Lua template which implements the Lua interpreter and VM from interpreter and VM https://daurnimator.github.io. The only that is required to make Lua code snippets executable in LiaScript is to attach the @LUA.
Read MoreMacros
How can you define custom macros or even define reusable LiaScript libraries? Just use @ followed by a custom name for your macro You can add parameters Shortcut macros, that call others predefined parameters And block-macros not that difficult You can use this this example as a basis for your own course by following this link … Or experiment with it in the LiveEditor below:
Read MoreEmbedding Multimedia and More
There are 4 ways in LiaScript to embed multimedia content: the classical way  sound ?[alt](sound-url) video !?[alt](video-url] for everything else ??[alt](url) You can use this this example as a basis for your own course by following this link … Or experiment with it in the LiveEditor below:
Read MoreASCII-aRT
After writing systems, here is a quick intro into ASCII-aRT - the next evolutionary step of writing - and how it is integrated into LiaScript, such that you can integrate for example also formulas and animations to your image… You can use this this example as a basis for your own course by following this link … Or experiment with it in the LiveEditor below:
Read MoreFonts: Dead or Alive
Fascinated by the length of the URL as well as by foreign languages and writing systems we added the opportunity to use different fonts in LiaScript-Markdown. We hoped that this can be useful for learning ancient and extinct languages… Not all fonts are installed on my machine, so they are not displayed in the editor. LiaScript however will load and display them appropriately. Since they are Unicode-characters, you can style and use these ancient writing systems as ordinary Markdown.
Read MoreImages are handled differently
LiaScript-Markdown handles images differently: a paragraph with a starting image will produce a floating environment a paragraph with only images will produce a gallery the image will be optimally sized & placed “titles” will be used as captions You can use this this example as a basis for your own course by following this link … Or experiment with it in the LiveEditor below:
Read MoreOne Document - Multiple Representations
This is part one of a demo series that explains certain LiaScript design elements. I this part you will learn how to create narrative presentations from one Markdown document only and how one course can be used to teach in different languages. For the text to speech output we apply simple-speech … If your browser does not support TTS, LiaScript will fallback ResponsiveVoice. You can use this this example as a basis for your own course by following this link
Read MorePraxisworkshop Erstellung eines E-Learning Kurses mit LiaScript
Häufig sind wir so in unsere Arbeitsweisen vertieft, dass wir die Vorteile anderer Perspektiven und Herangehensweisen übersehen. Genau deshalb empfehlen wir euch den Praxisworkshop von Lennart Rosseburg und Twillo, sie präsentieren in zwei informativen und komprimierten Videos, wie man effizient Online-Kurse erstellt – hierfür brauchen wir sonst wesentlich mehr Zeit. Sehr viel besser wird auch das Zusammenspiel von LiaScript, VSCode und Git/GitHub erläutert. Und über unser didaktisches Konzept sprechen wir lieber nicht 😉
Read MoreWe Are Developers 22 - Interactive Markdown for Education & Documentation
Well… there is a so called OER movement - OER stands for OpenEducationalResources. In contrast to the OpenSource initiative, there is no such thing as a common or uniting (programming) language, where people can contribute pieces to a larger project. It might sound strange, but we think that Markdown can be an ideal language candidate for e-learning. But it is mainly used to create static content, the syntax is fixed and not extendable.
Read MoreFischbestimmer - FISHIDENTIFIER
This is an experiment of porting the FISHIDENTIFIER from the Deutsches Meeresmuseeum Stralsund to LiaScript. The original version can be found at: https://www.ostsee-fischbestimmer.de/en/bestimmer This port was done on the basis of the German version, but it was possible to translate the entire functionality into LiaScript. Visit the Fischbestimmer Usage About 80 species of fish regularly occur in the Baltic Sea. Roughly the same amount of species occasionally enters as vagrants from the the North Sea or via discharging rivers.
Read MoreOnline-Lehre offen gestalten - Einführung in die Software LiaScript (Open Science Festival 2022)
Unter dem folgenden Link findet ihr die Materialien des Workshops “Online-Lehre offen gestalten - Einführung in die Software Liascript” von twillo. Gehalten auf dem Open Science Festival am 30. und 31. August 2022 in der Leibniz Universität Hannover. Hier geht's zu den Materialien Inhalt Open Educational Resources (OER) sind frei zugängliche Bildungsmaterialien, die eine Anpassung an spezifische Lehr-/Lernkontexte ermöglichen und die Gestaltung von Bildungsangeboten vereinfachen. Die Erstellung und das Teilen von OER bietet die Möglichkeit, die eigene Lehre in der wissenschaftlichen Community sichtbar zu machen.
Read MoreHow To Code in Python 3
This is a port of DigitalOcean’s How To Code in Python 3 tutorial series by Lisa Tagliaferri translated to LiaScript with interactive PyScript examples. Start Course This example uses the PyScript template which implements some basic macros for integrating the PyScript into LiaScript and to make Markdown code-blocks executable. The GitHub repository for this project can be found here: https://github.com/LiaBooks/How-To-Code-in-Python-3 … or try it out in the LiveEditor:
Read MorePromoting your Content
If you want to “promote” the LiaScript content you have created, or share it with a wider audience, then you can use the following methods. 0. Add LiaScript meta-information Add a first HTML-comment to your Markdown document, as depicted below. This HTML-comment should provide at least the information about the author, an email address for contacting, a comment that summarizes your course in a few sentences, a logo, and an optional repository, which points to your GitHub, GitLab repository, if the course will be served from somewhere else.
Read MoreSetting up Atom (Deprecated)
This post will help you to set up your Atom with the appropriate plugins to speed up your development process. If you have not installed Atom so far, check out our blog-post on Install Atom with LiaScript. It will guide you through the installation procedure for Atom and the two LiaScript plugins and tell you something about the navigation within a document. However, there exist a couple of other plugins for Atom that are very handy and simplify the writing process for Markdown and of course LiaScript
Read MoreImport A-Frame 3D models, scenes, and more into LiaScript open-courSes
This blog entry presents an example of how to import A-Frame 3D models, scenes, and more into LiaScript open-courSes. The entire README file can be interpreted as a library, we say template, that only needs to be imported into your LiaScript course via: <!-- import: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/liaTemplates/aframe/master/README.md --> # Your Course And then you can start to use all the features and examples that are provided in the original README file.
Read MoreInstall Atom with LiaScript (Deprecated)
This blog entry presents a little workaround and shows how you can still use our two plugins to develop your LiaScript courses offline with the Atom editor. Unfortunately, it is not possible for us at the moment to update the LiaScript packages for Atom, we hope this problem will be solved soon. On the other hand, it is now also possible to use Visual Studio Code. Download and install git from: https://git-scm.
Read MoreInstall Visual Studio Code with LiaScript
Due to some problems with package updates for Atom editor, we decided to created two LiaScript extensions for VSCode. However, Atom can still be used to create LiaScript courses and from our point of view it is still the easier editor to learn (for more information follow this link). But, it is now also possible to develop courses and preview them with Visual-Studio-Code. The two extensions are similar to those we had developed for Atom, but with slight differences.
Read MoreLiaScript Tutorial an der TU Bergakademie Freiberg (German)
In diesem Tutorial werden die neusten Features und das “neue” Design von LiaScript vorgestellt. Die Vorschau auf die Klassenraumfunktionen sind in der aktuellen Version bereits enthalten und können von jedem frei und ohne Login und ohne Logging genutzt werden… Die größte Neuerung betrifft das neue Klassenraum-Feature. Dabei setzen wir auch bei unserer Interpretation von Klassenräumen auf leichtgewichtige Web 3.0 Technologien die ganz ohne zentrale Server. Ein globaler Zustand wird nur zwischen den jeweiligen Endgeräten, also den Nutzern, generiert.
Read MoreHow to activate Tooltips in LiaScript
LiaScript has a new tooltip feature, which was inspired by the Wikipedia tooltips, which provide more information about a certain topic if you hover a link with the mouse. In LiaScript this feature needs to be activated manually, since it requires a little additional bandwidth, but the result is pretty much the same as in Wikipedia. To activate tooltips: open the settings-tab check the tooltips check-box This additional bandwidth is required, since the tooltips are generated on-demand and also without any backend involved.
Read MoreEmbedding Multimedia - How does it work??
LiaScript has a new type of link. If you prefix a link in Markdown with an exclamation mark, then this link is marked as an image, and it gets embedded into the document. LiaScript had already two extensions for this, the question-mark is used to indicate audio (just think of an ear) and images with sound which are used as markers for video content.  ?[audio](url) !?[video](url) One benefit of using this notation is, that this does not interfere with Markdown, the link is still valid and “clickable” in any other Markdown-viewer.
Read MoreOE³R the next Generation of OER?
OER or in long Open Educational Resources is a “relatively” new and vaguely defined term. Wikipedia describes it as follows: Open educational resources (OER) are freely accessible, openly licensed text, media, and other digital assets that are useful for teaching, learning, and assessing as well as for research purposes… https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open_educational_resources Thus, the ER defines any kind of Educational¹ content while the O points to an open licensing format. But the idea is actually not new at all, there have been attempts that predate the OER movement by nearly a century.
Read MoreLiaScript Cheet-Sheet (German)
Ein Spickzettel der wichtgsten LiaScript-Funktionalität. Weitere sind in Vorbereitung … Überschriften # Überschrift 1 ## Überschrift 2 ### Überschrift 3 #### Überschrift 4 ##### Überschrift 5 ###### Überschrift 6 Texthervorhebungen _kursiv_ auch *kursig* __fett__ auch __fett__ ___kursiv___ und ***fett*** ~durchgestrichen~ ~~unterstrichen~~ ~~~durch- & unterstrichen~~~ ^hochgestellt^ `unformatierter Code` Textblock Einfache Blöcke/Absätze werden durch Leerzeilen voneinander getrennt und können bel. lang sein. > Blöcke mit einem vorangestellten `>` > werden hervorgeboben dargestellt. Listen Ungeordnet:
Read MoreMarkdown just got a new preview tag
LiaScript has a new link type/tag that allows you to add preview cards to your LiaScript course or even to your personal website. This way you do not have to update your personal website and other resources. Requirements and Usage First of all, your Markdown document must have an HTML comment tag at the beginning. If your document is on GitHub, this will not be visible on the rendered Markdown document.
Read MoreLiaScript: Crash-courSe in 13 Akten (German)
Dieses Tutorial führt in 13 „kurzen“ Schritt-für-Schritt Videos in die Kursentwicklung mit LiaScript ein, von der Installation des Editors hin zu den wichtigsten Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten. Wie erstellt man interaktive Inhalte, nutzt Animationen und bringt dem Kurs das Sprechen bei… Eine Zusammenfassung der wichtigsten Punkte je Video wird gegeben. #1 Installation Installation des Editors und der benötigten Plugins Die Quellen sind unten noch einmal aufgelistet, es wird einerseits der Atom-Editor benötigt, sowie die beiden Plugins.
Read MoreFrom Hero to Zero with Learning Management Systems
Why and How LMSs fail in distributing knowledge Abstract: Learning Management Systems provide more restrictions than access to educational resources and developing courses with the offered authoring tools is more tedious and intimidating task than a creative one. These claims are proved by adopting metrics from software-development, additionally a possible solution is presented: LiaScript is a domain-specific language that is based on Markdown and open-source principles, targeting interactive online-course development.
Read MoreFreie Lehr-Lern-Materialien ohne Wenn und Aber II (German)
Nach einer kurzen Einführung in die Konzepte werde die neusten Features von LiaScript vorgestellt, dazu zählen automatische Sprachausgaben in verschiedenen Sprachen und automatisch erstellte Visualisierungen von Markdown-Tabellen. Weiterhin wird gezeigt, was der unterschied zwischen einer PWA und einer Webseite ist … Quelle: https://github.com/liaScript/Workshop
Read MoreFreie Lehr-Lern-Materialien ohne Wenn und Aber I (German)
LiaScript erweitert Markdown um Elemente wie interaktive Animationen, Quizze, Text-To-Speech Elemente, out-of-the-box Programmierumgebungen usw., die für den Einsatz in der Lehre zwingend erforderlich sind. Gleichzeitig bleibt aber die einfache Syntax, die ohne spezifische Editoren bearbeitet werden kann, erhalten und kann gut für die gemeinsame Entwicklung von Lehrinhalten eingesetzt werden. Die Interpretation erfolgt unmittelbar im Browser, über SCORM 1.2 Schnittstellen können die Kurse aber auch direkt in die bekannten Learning Management Systeme (LMS) integriert werden.
Read MoreArbeitsbuch PROLOG (German)
Dieses Buch soll in die Programmiersprache PROLOG und in die mit ihr verbundene ‘Logik-programmierung’ einführen. Die Idee, ‘Logik als eine Programmiersprache’ zu verwenden, führt zu einer völlig neuen Auffassung vom Programmieren: Das Programm ist nicht eine Folge von Handlungsanweisungen, sondern eine Sammlung von Fakten und Regeln. Das zu lösende Problem wird als eine Anfrage an diese Sammlung formuliert. Im Idealfall führt die logisch korrekte Formulierung der Regeln und der Anfrage zur Lösung des Problems.
Read MoreC-Programmierung (German)
Dies ist eine interaktive Portierung des freien Wikibuches C-Programmierung nach LiaScript. Um die Beispielprogramme in diesem Buch ausführbar zu gestalten, wird auf die kostenlose und nicht kommerzielle API von CodeRunner zurückgegriffen. Dieser wird unter einer kostenlosen Heroku-Instanz gehostet, sodass das aufwecken des Servers manchmal bis zu 30 Sekunden in Anspruch nehmen kann. Dann sollte es flüssig laufen ;-) Kurs Starten Das GitHub-Repositorium für dieses Projekt befindet sich hier: https://github.com/LiaBooks/C-Programmierung … oder schauen sie sich das Beispiel im LiveEditor an:
Read MoreC-Programming
This LiaScript book is based on the free Wikibook on C-Programming. It provides a comprehensive look at the C programming language and its features. Examples are made interactive by using the CodeRunner. Start Course The GitHub repository for this project can be found here: https://github.com/LiaBooks/C-Programming … or try it out in the LiveEditor:
Read MoreSister Fox and the Gray Wolf
These are two early translations of Russian folk take “sister fox and the gray wolf”. It is a recording of a LiaScript document, see the original versions at: https://github.com/LiaBooks/SisterFoxAndTheGrayWolf If you try out one of the examples below, make sure that you enable the audio output of your browser, since the text-to-speech is turned of by default. Original (Russian) Version View on LiaScript German Version View on LiaScript Editing Try this out by yourself in the LiveEditor:
Read MoreOpen-Course Development with LiaScript (... Or Markdown on Steroids)
Markdown is an ideal tool for documenting and thus a suitable format for Open Educational Resources, but as a static markup language it is also boring. So the idea was born to create a DSL that is based on Markdown but intended to be used for developing online courses, that look like screen-cast with various interactive elements. Starting this project with Elm, it was more or less an explorative journey, with rapid changes in the DSL and the interpreter that were guided by the Elm-compiler.
Read MoreLiaScript: a domain-specific-language for interactive online courses
This is the first paper published about LiaScript, which was presented at the International Association for Development of the Information Society (IADIS) International Conference on e-Learning 2019 in Porto. It gives an overview of the language and its features, as well as the motivation behind its development. Abstract. LiaScript is an attempt to enable everyone to create free and interactive online courses, without the need of being an experienced programmer. Instead, it aims to bring both parties, software-and course-developers, closer together by introducing Open-Source techniques into the Open-courSe development process.
Read MoreLiaScript - BearLearn Talk 2019
This is an early example of a LiaScript presentation, that was given as a BearLearn Talk 2019 in Berlin. It shows how to create a simple narrative presentations with Text-to-Speech output and animations and more. The arguments for creating a markup language for open online-courses are still the same. And if you inspect the course, you will see, that the format of the course has not changed at all, only the URL, the syntax is still the same, we only added more features to the interpreter and improved the presentation.
Read MoreThe Vision of LiaScript
This poster represents one of the earliest publications on LiaScript, showcasing our pioneering ideas on leveraging open-source methodologies to develop Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). Over the years, LiaScript has undergone significant evolution, yet the foundational principles, key concepts, and the syntax have steadfastly remained unchanged. We made a minor but crucial modification in our approach to embedding videos; we shifted from using the !! link syntax to !?. This change was implemented to avoid confusion with other markdown interpreters and platforms like GitHub, ensuring our examples remain accessible and functional.
Read MoreLive - Editor
The LiveEditor is an entirely browser-based collaborative Editor. It covers nearly all functionalities of other server-based solutions, but in this case, you don’t need a server nor a login. All your notes or courses will be directly stored within your browser. Try the LiveEditor In contrast to only image-uploads you can furthermore also upload audio and video files, as shown in the video below, and use any kind of LiaScript-template to add additional functionalities.
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