Blog Posts

Open Educational Resources: Gekommen, um zu bleiben?

Am 11. November 2024 fand in der Sächsischen Landesbibliothek – Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Dresden (SLUB) eine Veranstaltung zum Thema “Open Educational Resources: Gekommen, um zu bleiben?” statt. Im Mittelpunkt stand die Frage, wie offene Bildungsressourcen (OER) die Bildungslandschaft nachhaltig verändern können. Sebastian Zug nahm ebenfalls an der Veranstaltung teil und wurde als Experte in die Diskussionsrunde eingeladen. Er betonte, dass offene Bildungsressourcen nicht nur den Zugang zu Wissen erleichtern, sondern auch die Qualität der Lehre durch kollaborative Ansätze und kontinuierliche Aktualisierungen verbessern können.

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Why Open Education Needs a Common Language!?

A better question would be: Why do commercial offerings and e-learning platforms dominate online education and “NOT” Open Educational Resources (OER)? Before we attempt to answer these questions, we want everyone to complete the following sentence for themselves: Open Educational Resources (OER) are primarily about … … the use of content. … their creation. It is no wonder that many initially think of licenses and terms of use. Creation (2.) seems boring and time-consuming.

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Creating interactive Diagrams with eCharts

LiaScript uses the powerful eCharts library to create interactive diagrams, whether you’re visualizing ASCII art or presenting data from tables. In our previous blog post, we introduced the <lia-chart> tag—a custom web component that uses eCharts under the hood to easily generate custom diagrams. Creating interactive Diagrams with ChatGPT Exploring AI-generated content opens the door to fascinating possibilities. In this article, we delve into how you can leverage AI models, like ChatGPT, to create interactive diagrams that can be customized on the fly.

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Teach Your AI to Generate LiaScript Previews offers a powerful feature in its paid version that allows you to preview generated code directly. However, with a simple prompt, you can teach any AI to create LiaScript previews on demand—even if you’re using a free version. What Are Data-URIs? In a previous post, we briefly covered how you can use data-URIs to encode LiaScript content. Where is Content Stored? Did you know that LiaScript tries to be agnostic as possible, when it comes to hosting?

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Creating interactive Diagrams with ChatGPT

Exploring AI-generated content opens the door to fascinating possibilities. In this article, we delve into how you can leverage AI models, like ChatGPT, to create interactive diagrams that can be customized on the fly. Prompt with Variables and Examples While ChatGPT might not be capable of independently generating complex scripts, it excels at modifying existing code snippets to meet your needs. Take, for example, a script from the LiaScript documentation, specifically from the section on Custom Diagrams with ECharts.

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Changing Layout - FlexBox is your Friend

In this article, we will show you how to change the layout of certain parts of your LiaScript course easily with FlexBox. FlexBox is a powerful layout tool that allows you to create complex layouts with minimal code. It is supported by all modern browsers and is easy to use. What is FlexBox? FlexBox, or the Flexible Box Layout Module, is a CSS layout model that provides a more efficient way to design complex layouts without relying heavily on float or positioning.

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