Fischbestimmer - FISHIDENTIFIER

Fischbestimmer - FISHIDENTIFIER

This is an experiment of porting the FISHIDENTIFIER from the Deutsches Meeresmuseeum Stralsund to LiaScript. The original version can be found at:

This port was done on the basis of the German version, but it was possible to translate the entire functionality into LiaScript.

Visit the Fischbestimmer


About 80 species of fish regularly occur in the Baltic Sea. Roughly the same amount of species occasionally enters as vagrants from the the North Sea or via discharging rivers. The FISHIDENTIFIER allows easy determination of all these species. Clicking to one character, e.g. ‘three dorsal fins’, will limit the results to the respective species. Clicking additional characters further restricts the amount of possible results.

This version of the Fischbestimmer is stored in the following repository:

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