Import A-Frame 3D models, scenes, and more into LiaScript open-courSes

Import A-Frame 3D models, scenes, and more into LiaScript open-courSes

This blog entry presents an example of how to import A-Frame 3D models, scenes, and more into LiaScript open-courSes.

The entire README file can be interpreted as a library, we say template, that only needs to be imported into your LiaScript course via:


# Your Course

And then you can start to use all the features and examples that are provided in the original README file.

The idea of a template is to provide a fully functional course that also works as documentation for the implemented functionality/macros. During the initialization LiaScript will only parse the main-header of the import and load all JavaScript, CSS, defined macros and make them usable in your course.

The following link will open the course in the LiaScript editor:

Open AFrame in LiaScript

… or take a look at the implementation within the LiaScript LiveEditor:

Open AFrame in LiveEditor

or visit the implementation on GitHub:

To see an overview on all available templates, please visit:

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