LiaScript 0.14 - Partial Documentation (Korean)

LiaScript 0.14 - Partial Documentation (Korean)

This is an automated translation of the LiaScript LiaScript into the Korean language.

You can inspect the document by your own, either directly from GitHub or as the interactive LiaScript version.

1. Overview on Tools & More


2. Markdown-Basics part 1 & Multimedia



  • Additional headers can be inserted into a slide by using the HTML5-tag <section> or <article>

    # Title
    ## Subtitle
    with subsection content ...
  • HTML comments can now be used to hide content or to add personal notes:

    # Title
    <!-- some private information not to be shown to the public ... -->
    A new paragraph

3. Markdown-Basics part 2


4. Styling elements

5. Math & Formulas


You can now also define custom KaTeX-macros, which can be either locally or globally defined.

6. Footnotes

7. State

8. Tasks


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