LiaScript - WorldMap

LiaScript - WorldMap

This idea was motivated by the OER-World Map in order to to visualize the distribution of educational content that was created with LiaScript or events and meetings. Our map is based on the OpenStreetMap and uses the Leaflet library to display the markers. Blue is associated to projects, while future events are displayed in green and past events in transparent gray.

visit the world-map

All information about the projects is stored within a static YAML-file:

If you want to add your project to this map, the easiest way is to send us an email with the following information, or leave a comment:

- title: "Your Project Title"
  link: "https://link-to-your-project.web"
    latitude: 51.330
    longitude: 10.453
  image: "https://link-to-your-image.jpg"
  icon: "https://link-to-your-organization-icon.png"
  description: |
    This can be a description of your project where you can also embed HTML,
    with more links or contact information
    <a href=">Send us an email</a>    
  data: "2024-04-12"
    - Computer Science
    - Statistics
    - Machine Learning
    - Need Help
    - Looking for Contributors
    - German  

We will add your information to projects.yml and update the map.

The only information that is mandatory is the title, link, and gps. The image is optional, but it will make your project more visible. The description can be a short text or a long description, and you can also embed HTML, like links or images. The categories and tags are optional too, but they will help to filter the projects later on the map. And finally, the icon is optional, and we will later use this to modify the markers on the map, which can be a logo of your institution, project, or company. date is optional and will be used to classify markers to projects or events.

Otherwise you can also fork the repository, add your project by yourself and create a pull request. This way you will also be visible in the list of contributors on GitHub 😉

If you host your project on GitHub you can also take a look at the following post to increase its visibility:

Promoting your Content

If you want to “promote” the LiaScript content you have created, or share it with a wider audience, then you can use the following methods. 0. Add LiaScript meta-information Add a first HTML-comment to your Markdown document, as depicted below. This HTML-comment should provide at least the information about the author, an email address for contacting, a comment that summarizes your course in a few sentences, a logo, and an optional repository, which points to your GitHub, GitLab repository, if the course will be served from somewhere else.

Preview Changes

If you have forked the repository, you can also preview your changes locally. At first follow the installation instruction as described in the of the repository. Then run the following commands in the root directory of the repository:

cd world-map
cd ..
npm run dev

The python command will generate the content/english/pages/ file. You can preview the changes by opening the browser and navigating to:


Credits & Stand with Ukraine

As aforementioned, the map the Leaflet library, which was developed by Volodymyr Agafonkin a Ukrainian developer still living in Kiev. You might take a look at his personal website to see how you might support him and Ukraine…

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