Blog Posts

Sister Fox and the Gray Wolf

These are two early translations of Russian folk take “sister fox and the gray wolf”. It is a recording of a LiaScript document, see the original versions at: If you try out one of the examples below, make sure that you enable the audio output of your browser, since the text-to-speech is turned of by default. Original (Russian) Version View on LiaScript German Version View on LiaScript Editing Try this out by yourself in the LiveEditor:

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Open-Course Development with LiaScript (... Or Markdown on Steroids)

Markdown is an ideal tool for documenting and thus a suitable format for Open Educational Resources, but as a static markup language it is also boring. So the idea was born to create a DSL that is based on Markdown but intended to be used for developing online courses, that look like screen-cast with various interactive elements. Starting this project with Elm, it was more or less an explorative journey, with rapid changes in the DSL and the interpreter that were guided by the Elm-compiler.

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LiaScript: a domain-specific-language for interactive online courses

This is the first paper published about LiaScript, which was presented at the International Association for Development of the Information Society (IADIS) International Conference on e-Learning 2019 in Porto. It gives an overview of the language and its features, as well as the motivation behind its development. Abstract. LiaScript is an attempt to enable everyone to create free and interactive online courses, without the need of being an experienced programmer. Instead, it aims to bring both parties, software-and course-developers, closer together by introducing Open-Source techniques into the Open-courSe development process.

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LiaScript - BearLearn Talk 2019

This is an early example of a LiaScript presentation, that was given as a BearLearn Talk 2019 in Berlin. It shows how to create a simple narrative presentations with Text-to-Speech output and animations and more. The arguments for creating a markup language for open online-courses are still the same. And if you inspect the course, you will see, that the format of the course has not changed at all, only the URL, the syntax is still the same, we only added more features to the interpreter and improved the presentation.

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Umsetzung, Chancen und Herausforderungen von Remote-Laboren (German)

Aufzeichnung der Webinarreihe “Digitalisierung an den Hochschulen Sachsen Anhalt”. Thema: “„Jederzeit und überall im Labor lernen. Umsetzung, Chancen und Herausforderungen von Remote-Laboren am Beispiel ‚Industrial eLab‘” von Jun. Prof. Dr. Sebastian Zug, OVGU Magdeburg und Dr. Anja Hawlitschek, HS Magdeburg-Stendal. Das BMBF-Projekt Industrial eLab untersucht, wie das Lehren und Lernen in MINT-Studiengängen mit Remote-Laboren technisch und didaktisch unterstützt werden kann. Beforschte Anwendungsfelder sind die industrienahe Softwareentwicklung sowie die Ausbildung an komplexen Werkzeugmaschinen.

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The Vision of LiaScript

This poster represents one of the earliest publications on LiaScript, showcasing our pioneering ideas on leveraging open-source methodologies to develop Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). Over the years, LiaScript has undergone significant evolution, yet the foundational principles, key concepts, and the syntax have steadfastly remained unchanged. We made a minor but crucial modification in our approach to embedding videos; we shifted from using the !! link syntax to !?. This change was implemented to avoid confusion with other markdown interpreters and platforms like GitHub, ensuring our examples remain accessible and functional.

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