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Collaborative drawings made with LiaScript
In this article we will explore how to create a collaborative drawing canvas (in other words a whiteboard) using LiaScript’s internal publish -subscribe mechanisms. This feature will allows multiple users to interact with the same LiaScript course in real-time, enabling collaborative drawing and marking, as demonstrated in the following video. 1. Publish-Subscribe (How does it work?) The publish-subscribe (pub-sub) pattern is a messaging paradigm where messages are sent by publishers to specific topics without the publisher knowing who, if anyone, will receive the message.
Read MoreMultimedia Comments in LiaScript - This Changes Everything
How can you add your voice or short video sequences to your LiaScript courses? With the new multimedia comments feature, it’s now possible. This feature allows you to replay your voice or video directly in the browser as part of a LiaScript course. It’s a game changer for educators looking to create interactive and engaging courses. How Does It Look? It’s quite straightforward. Simply add a multimedia link using LiaScript syntax to the beginning or end of your comment.
Read MoreChatGPT als OER Koautor - ein interaktiver Kurs in 10 Minuten (German)
Wie nutzt man ChatGPT um interaktive Kurse für LiaScript zu erstellen, wird in diesem Video gezeigt… Manchmal muss man bei den Kursen noch manuell nacharbeiten aber gefühlt wird ChatGPT immer besser… Prompt Verändert und experimentiert mit dem folgenden Prompt, um eure eigenen interaktiven Kurse zu erstellen: Generiere einen interaktiven Kurs zum Thema "Schnittpunkt von zwei Geraden" für Schüler der 7. Klasse als LiaScript Code: 1. Beschreibe das Lernziel, 2. erläutere die unterschiedlichen Fälle der Lage von zwei Geraden, 3.
Read MoreOpen Textbook Repositories
This alphabetically sorted overview is fare from being complete, but it should give you a good starting point to find open textbooks for your courses. If you want to collaborate with us in order to translate such books into LiaScript, have a look at the following blog-post. What Do Poland and Arnold Schwarzenegger Have in Common? … for translating open textbooks into interactive LiaScript books. But, based on our discussions at the eLearning Africa Conference we realized that there is a need for open textbooks for various purposes.
Read MoreSharing Content via WebTorrent
This demo from the eLearning-Africa Conference 2024, shows how to use WebTorrent to share educational content with LiaScript. Everything that you need is a modern browser, no additional software, no login or authentication is required. But what is WebTorrent and how can it be used in an educational context? This article provides an overview of WebTorrent, its benefits, and practical applications for educators. Understanding WebTorrent: A Guide for Educators In today’s digital age, sharing and accessing educational content efficiently is crucial for educators and students alike.
Read MoreWhat Do Poland and Arnold Schwarzenegger Have in Common?
… for translating open textbooks into interactive LiaScript books. But, based on our discussions at the eLearning Africa Conference we realized that there is a need for open textbooks for various purposes. With the LiaBooks project we would like to translate such open textbooks from around the world into LiaScript. This way, we hope to make digital textbooks more accessible, reusable and adaptable for everyone. If you are interested in this project, please feel free to contact us and help us to translate such books into a more interactive format.
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