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6 Quizzes in 100 Seconds
This is our report on making quizzes in LiaScript in 100 seconds. Do you know an easier way of creating quizzes with your favorite LMS? Multiple-Choice Single-Choice Matrix Text-Input Selection Gap-Text You can use this this example as a basis for your own course by following this link … Or experiment with it in the LiveEditor below:
Read MoreA Custom Extension for Algebra
Today we show how to build a custom extension for executable code-snippets for LiaScript #Markdown by using the computer algebra systems Algebrite. The same can be done with any other library, framework, API … You can use this this example as a basis for your own course by following this link … Or experiment with it in the LiveEditor below:
Read MoreExecutable Code
How to make your Markdown code-snippets editable and executable? Our solution, just attach a script-tag to it that defines how the input or inputs should be evaluated… You can use this this example as a basis for your own course by following this link … Or experiment with it in the LiveEditor below:
Read MoreLua Programming
This example is a port of the Lua programming course from the open wikibook Lua-Programming to LiaScript. It is a fully working Lua programming course, that can be used as a basis for your own course. Start Course This example uses the Lua template which implements the Lua interpreter and VM from interpreter and VM The only that is required to make Lua code snippets executable in LiaScript is to attach the @LUA.
Read MoreMacros
How can you define custom macros or even define reusable LiaScript libraries? Just use @ followed by a custom name for your macro You can add parameters Shortcut macros, that call others predefined parameters And block-macros not that difficult You can use this this example as a basis for your own course by following this link … Or experiment with it in the LiveEditor below:
Read MoreEmbedding Multimedia and More
There are 4 ways in LiaScript to embed multimedia content: the classical way  sound ?[alt](sound-url) video !?[alt](video-url] for everything else ??[alt](url) You can use this this example as a basis for your own course by following this link … Or experiment with it in the LiveEditor below:
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