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After writing systems, here is a quick intro into ASCII-aRT - the next evolutionary step of writing - and how it is integrated into LiaScript, such that you can integrate for example also formulas and animations to your image… You can use this this example as a basis for your own course by following this link … Or experiment with it in the LiveEditor below:
Read MoreFonts: Dead or Alive
Fascinated by the length of the URL as well as by foreign languages and writing systems we added the opportunity to use different fonts in LiaScript-Markdown. We hoped that this can be useful for learning ancient and extinct languages… Not all fonts are installed on my machine, so they are not displayed in the editor. LiaScript however will load and display them appropriately. Since they are Unicode-characters, you can style and use these ancient writing systems as ordinary Markdown.
Read MoreImages are handled differently
LiaScript-Markdown handles images differently: a paragraph with a starting image will produce a floating environment a paragraph with only images will produce a gallery the image will be optimally sized & placed “titles” will be used as captions You can use this this example as a basis for your own course by following this link … Or experiment with it in the LiveEditor below:
Read MoreOne Document - Multiple Representations
This is part one of a demo series that explains certain LiaScript design elements. I this part you will learn how to create narrative presentations from one Markdown document only and how one course can be used to teach in different languages. For the text to speech output we apply simple-speech … If your browser does not support TTS, LiaScript will fallback ResponsiveVoice. You can use this this example as a basis for your own course by following this link
Read MorePraxisworkshop Erstellung eines E-Learning Kurses mit LiaScript
Häufig sind wir so in unsere Arbeitsweisen vertieft, dass wir die Vorteile anderer Perspektiven und Herangehensweisen übersehen. Genau deshalb empfehlen wir euch den Praxisworkshop von Lennart Rosseburg und Twillo, sie präsentieren in zwei informativen und komprimierten Videos, wie man effizient Online-Kurse erstellt – hierfür brauchen wir sonst wesentlich mehr Zeit. Sehr viel besser wird auch das Zusammenspiel von LiaScript, VSCode und Git/GitHub erläutert. Und über unser didaktisches Konzept sprechen wir lieber nicht 😉
Read MoreWe Are Developers 22 - Interactive Markdown for Education & Documentation
Well… there is a so called OER movement - OER stands for OpenEducationalResources. In contrast to the OpenSource initiative, there is no such thing as a common or uniting (programming) language, where people can contribute pieces to a larger project. It might sound strange, but we think that Markdown can be an ideal language candidate for e-learning. But it is mainly used to create static content, the syntax is fixed and not extendable.
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