Blog Posts

Fischbestimmer - FISHIDENTIFIER

This is an experiment of porting the FISHIDENTIFIER from the Deutsches Meeresmuseeum Stralsund to LiaScript. The original version can be found at: This port was done on the basis of the German version, but it was possible to translate the entire functionality into LiaScript. Visit the Fischbestimmer Usage About 80 species of fish regularly occur in the Baltic Sea. Roughly the same amount of species occasionally enters as vagrants from the the North Sea or via discharging rivers.

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Online-Lehre offen gestalten - Einführung in die Software LiaScript (Open Science Festival 2022)

Unter dem folgenden Link findet ihr die Materialien des Workshops “Online-Lehre offen gestalten - Einführung in die Software Liascript” von twillo. Gehalten auf dem Open Science Festival am 30. und 31. August 2022 in der Leibniz Universität Hannover. Hier geht's zu den Materialien Inhalt Open Educational Resources (OER) sind frei zugängliche Bildungsmaterialien, die eine Anpassung an spezifische Lehr-/Lernkontexte ermöglichen und die Gestaltung von Bildungsangeboten vereinfachen. Die Erstellung und das Teilen von OER bietet die Möglichkeit, die eigene Lehre in der wissenschaftlichen Community sichtbar zu machen.

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How To Code in Python 3

This is a port of DigitalOcean’s How To Code in Python 3 tutorial series by Lisa Tagliaferri translated to LiaScript with interactive PyScript examples. Start Course This example uses the PyScript template which implements some basic macros for integrating the PyScript into LiaScript and to make Markdown code-blocks executable. The GitHub repository for this project can be found here: … or try it out in the LiveEditor:

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Promoting your Content

If you want to “promote” the LiaScript content you have created, or share it with a wider audience, then you can use the following methods. 0. Add LiaScript meta-information Add a first HTML-comment to your Markdown document, as depicted below. This HTML-comment should provide at least the information about the author, an email address for contacting, a comment that summarizes your course in a few sentences, a logo, and an optional repository, which points to your GitHub, GitLab repository, if the course will be served from somewhere else.

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Setting up Atom (Deprecated)

This post will help you to set up your Atom with the appropriate plugins to speed up your development process. If you have not installed Atom so far, check out our blog-post on Install Atom with LiaScript. It will guide you through the installation procedure for Atom and the two LiaScript plugins and tell you something about the navigation within a document. However, there exist a couple of other plugins for Atom that are very handy and simplify the writing process for Markdown and of course LiaScript

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Import A-Frame 3D models, scenes, and more into LiaScript open-courSes

This blog entry presents an example of how to import A-Frame 3D models, scenes, and more into LiaScript open-courSes. The entire README file can be interpreted as a library, we say template, that only needs to be imported into your LiaScript course via: <!-- import: --> # Your Course And then you can start to use all the features and examples that are provided in the original README file.

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