Data and Analytics for Research Training (DART)
The DART program offers free, open-source educational resources aimed at empowering working biomedical researchers with data science skills to enhance their work. It aligns with the National Institutes of Health’s focus on boosting research reproducibility, transparency, and rigor through instructional modules that teach data science and related abilities. The program adopts a modular educational strategy, allowing learners to tailor their training by choosing from various modules to create a personalized learning pathway.
Read MoreExecutable Code
How to make your Markdown code-snippets editable and executable? Our solution, just attach a script-tag to it that defines how the input or inputs should be evaluated… You can use this this example as a basis for your own course by following this link … Or experiment with it in the LiveEditor below:
Read MoreLua Programming
This example is a port of the Lua programming course from the open wikibook Lua-Programming to LiaScript. It is a fully working Lua programming course, that can be used as a basis for your own course. Start Course This example uses the Lua template which implements the Lua interpreter and VM from interpreter and VM The only that is required to make Lua code snippets executable in LiaScript is to attach the @LUA.
Read MoreWe Are Developers 22 - Interactive Markdown for Education & Documentation
Well… there is a so called OER movement - OER stands for OpenEducationalResources. In contrast to the OpenSource initiative, there is no such thing as a common or uniting (programming) language, where people can contribute pieces to a larger project. It might sound strange, but we think that Markdown can be an ideal language candidate for e-learning. But it is mainly used to create static content, the syntax is fixed and not extendable.
Read MoreHow To Code in Python 3
This is a port of DigitalOcean’s How To Code in Python 3 tutorial series by Lisa Tagliaferri translated to LiaScript with interactive PyScript examples. Start Course This example uses the PyScript template which implements some basic macros for integrating the PyScript into LiaScript and to make Markdown code-blocks executable. The GitHub repository for this project can be found here: … or try it out in the LiveEditor:
Read MoreArbeitsbuch PROLOG (German)
Dieses Buch soll in die Programmiersprache PROLOG und in die mit ihr verbundene ‘Logik-programmierung’ einführen. Die Idee, ‘Logik als eine Programmiersprache’ zu verwenden, führt zu einer völlig neuen Auffassung vom Programmieren: Das Programm ist nicht eine Folge von Handlungsanweisungen, sondern eine Sammlung von Fakten und Regeln. Das zu lösende Problem wird als eine Anfrage an diese Sammlung formuliert. Im Idealfall führt die logisch korrekte Formulierung der Regeln und der Anfrage zur Lösung des Problems.
Read MoreC-Programmierung (German)
Dies ist eine interaktive Portierung des freien Wikibuches C-Programmierung nach LiaScript. Um die Beispielprogramme in diesem Buch ausführbar zu gestalten, wird auf die kostenlose und nicht kommerzielle API von CodeRunner zurückgegriffen. Dieser wird unter einer kostenlosen Heroku-Instanz gehostet, sodass das aufwecken des Servers manchmal bis zu 30 Sekunden in Anspruch nehmen kann. Dann sollte es flüssig laufen ;-) Kurs Starten Das GitHub-Repositorium für dieses Projekt befindet sich hier: … oder schauen sie sich das Beispiel im LiveEditor an:
Read MoreC-Programming
This LiaScript book is based on the free Wikibook on C-Programming. It provides a comprehensive look at the C programming language and its features. Examples are made interactive by using the CodeRunner. Start Course The GitHub repository for this project can be found here: … or try it out in the LiveEditor:
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