
Liascript User Symposium (Recording)

Discover WHO is utilizing and creating free, open online courses using the user-friendly LiaScript Markdown and WHY. Learn about the role of AI in course development, and how Open Educational Resources (OER) can be enhanced through browser-based peer-to-peer technologies. Additionally, explore our latest advancements in collaborative features within LiaScript, as well as Edrys-Lite, which aids in developing and sharing interactive, peer-to-peer RemoteLabs as OER. Soon this functionality will be available in LiaScript too!

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Students work on open learning content

This is a translated version of a German article that was published on april 22 in 2022 here: The Institute for Computer Science has developed an interactive type of lecture format. Together with the lecturers, the students work on the lecture materials with open tools via a website - without any PDF documents or PowerPoint slide collections. Prof. Sebastian Zug during his lecture. Photo: TU Bergakademie Freiberg With one click, students can display the content in different languages, develop an executable program code or start simulations.

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