Sharing Content via WebTorrent
This demo from the eLearning-Africa Conference 2024, shows how to use WebTorrent to share educational content with LiaScript. Everything that you need is a modern browser, no additional software, no login or authentication is required. But what is WebTorrent and how can it be used in an educational context? This article provides an overview of WebTorrent, its benefits, and practical applications for educators. Understanding WebTorrent: A Guide for Educators In today’s digital age, sharing and accessing educational content efficiently is crucial for educators and students alike.
Read MoreLiaScript - WorldMap
This idea was motivated by the OER-World Map in order to to visualize the distribution of educational content that was created with LiaScript or events and meetings. Our map is based on the OpenStreetMap and uses the Leaflet library to display the markers. Blue is associated to projects, while future events are displayed in green and past events in transparent gray. visit the world-map All information about the projects is stored within a static YAML-file:
Read MoreOffene Bildungsmaterialien auf twillo finden und teilen
Twillo ist ein Portal, das sich auf offene Bildungsmaterialien (OER) spezialisiert hat, insbesondere im Bereich der Hochschullehre. Es ermöglicht Nutzern, Bildungsmaterialien zu finden, zu teilen und bietet zudem verschiedene Dienstleistungen wie Workshops zu OER, eine OER-Planungshilfe, Vorlagen zur Erstellung von OER und ein Rechtsquiz zur Überprüfung des Wissens über rechtskonforme Lehre. Twillo fördert die Verfügbarkeit, Anpassung, und Vernetzung von OER, um offene Lehr- und Lernkulturen sowie lebenslanges Lernen zu unterstützen.
Read MoreWhere is Content Stored?
Did you know that LiaScript tries to be agnostic as possible, when it comes to hosting? The thing is, you host your content by your own and only refer to it, via a URL-Parameter that you attach to the LiaScript website. Git - Platforms Although, we prefer GitHub & git for versioning, hosting, and publishing, you should be able to use any versioning system or platform to host your course content.
Read MoreSharing Content via Tor and OnionShare
Why should something like Tor or the Dark-Net be relevant in education at all? If you look at the world map, it quickly becomes clear that the internet is not as free and open as it might seem from Germany. In this map, we have deliberately omitted China and North Korea to give other countries the chance to turn “red” too. Looking at the current situation in Afghanistan, it becomes evident that the right to education is simply not available in many places.
Read MorePromoting your Content
If you want to “promote” the LiaScript content you have created, or share it with a wider audience, then you can use the following methods. 0. Add LiaScript meta-information Add a first HTML-comment to your Markdown document, as depicted below. This HTML-comment should provide at least the information about the author, an email address for contacting, a comment that summarizes your course in a few sentences, a logo, and an optional repository, which points to your GitHub, GitLab repository, if the course will be served from somewhere else.
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